The Year was 1977...
...and polyester was on the upswing thanks to John Travolta's bold dance moves in "Saturday Night Fever." It was a scant decade after the "Summer of Love" and somewhere between the disco and shag scenes Laverne Burlage quietly opened his first restaurant—a modest little seafood shack with a killer view of the Atlantic ocean.
BY 1977...
...Verne was no stranger to the restaurant industry. In the early 40's, his family had opened a restaurant right across from where Chix restaurant stands today, Called Chix—serving hamburgers, chicken and hot dogs.

IN THE 1950S...
...a second restaurant was opened—the Sun-N-Fun Bathhouse Grill, which stands in the very spot that Chix on the Beach stands today.
Since opening its existing doors in 1977, Chix has seen many presidents in and out of office, fashion styles that change like the Atlantic breezes, and millions of locals and vacationers coming and going through it's doors in four decades.
...in 2015, Mike and Mariah Standing, owners of Virginia Beach's icon & Original Crush House, Waterman's Surfside Grille, purchased Chix from Laverne Burlage to give him some time to work on his retirement and love of travel, to enjoy his family and to fine tune his break dancing skills. The New Chix on the Beach is the perfect union of the old and the new—mixing yesterday's traditions and nearly 40 years of history with the best new recipes of today.